Calvin Loveland
	10503 Doral Dr., Cedar Hills, UT
	•	Utah State University Computer Science Major	     Expected Graduation 2020
	-Dean’s Scholarship
	•	Lone Peak High School, cum. GPA 3.7	Graduated with Honors May 2016
	•	Computer Science Tutor				      January 2017-Present
	-Worked tutoring students with questions for CS-1400, CS-1410, and CS-1440
	•	Junior Software Developer at Gartner Digital	 November 2014 - December 2015
	-Worked doing quality control, data entry, and coding in Java,
	•	Fluent C++, C#, Java, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, Javascript, MIPS Assembly
	•	Coursework highlights
	-CS2410 Intro to Event Driven Programming in Java
	-CS2420 Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
	-CS2610 Developing Secure Dynamic Database Driven Web Applications
	•	Experienced in the maintenance and repair of computers, bicycles, and cars
	•	Experienced working with version control, issue tracking, REST, and agile development
	-Play a game of mancala in the console against an AI or another local player
	-AI uses alpha-beta pruning of the minimax algorithm to evaluate moves
	•	Minesweeper
	-Minesweeper in Java using JavaFX with variable board size and bomb density
	•	Word Ladders
	-Finds word ladders using doubly linked lists and your choice of A* or brute force
	-Written in C++ using templates wherever possible 
	Personal Interests
	Video Games, Mountain Biking, Cars, Cryptology, Movies, and Cooking